Melbourne Photographer, Professional Headshots & Corporate Photography

Slow Magazine ~ Burmese Train Journey

I’d wanted to go to Burma/Myanmar for a long time. I’d also debated about whether it was the right thing to do. Burma has been boycotted by the international community since 1995 because of it’s military dictatorship. We made the decision to go after talking to a friend who lived in Myanmar for some time. He encouraged us to visit Myanmar and see what it was really like, to travel responsibly and tell the world about it’s amazing people and culture. You can see some of the photographs here and a story and images we published in the big issue about a troop of brothers fighting the regime in their own comedic way here.

Dave (my husband) and I have collaborated again and my images and his words have been published in the current Slow magazine. This time it’s about enjoying slow train travel through Burma. It’s a four page feature and a couple of my images have been used on the contents page too!




Comments (2)

  1. Dave says:

    Great shots! Well done Lizzy!

  2. Andrew B says:

    Hi Lizzy

    Just stumbled across your site. Great pics. Love the DOF.